With the American Thanksgiving holiday coming up this week, practically everyone and their grandmothers are out preparing for the festivities, planning menus, coordinating guests around the table, and offering thanks.
While I may be in Austria away from the hustle and bustle of the frantic turkey shopping, stressful meal preparations, and the countdown for Black Friday (no, really, I am SO grateful to be missing out on that one), I am still taking the time to be grateful and thank God for the tremendous blessings we have received this year.
And they have been tremendous and plentiful indeed.
I had an opportunity to ponder a little over this in the wee hours of the morning while I was up giving my 9-month old a bottle around 2AM...and, in the process, discovered somethings I am "grateful" for that I never once thought I would learn to "appreciate." And, yes, I use quotations on those because, in a way, I may never be truly grateful for them. But, at this moment, in this part of my life, I understand them, now.
I am grateful that I am a survivor.
I am a post traumatic stress disorder survivor and have had to survive the terrible, debilitating effects of this disorder for the last 14 years of my life.
I survived a violent sexual assault 7 years ago.
I survived a near-fatal muscle disease that left me bedridden for many long months, shattering my Olympic dreams and competitive swimming career.
I survived my battle with postpartum and prenatal depression, lost self-esteem and confidence.
And I am grateful for all of these things. Why?
Because I have PTSD, I can understand and encourage others who must learn to live with it as well. I can help them see that it IS possible to live with it. Will it be difficult? Always. But there is help and hope.
Because I survived a sexual assault, I am alive today to tell others that have endured such an unspeakable nightmare that they are not alone. They may feel lost, defeated, worthless and abandoned today. But I can promise them that the sun will shine through the clouds again.
Because my own ambitious dreams were broken, I have been given an opportunity to rebuild them into something far greater, something worth so much more. If that hadn't happened, I may never have had my eyes open to even see this chance, to experience the joys and fulfillment of being a Beachbody Coach!
Because I have gone through the darkness of postpartum depression, I can do my part encouraging others through the fog and shadows to the light on the other side.
We are never, ever alone. That is why I am grateful. (And especially for my wonderful supportive, loving husband who sees me through all of the craziness.)
God truly does work in the most mysterious ways.
Vim, Vigor and Vitamins
Embracing a hectic, happy life as a family with Papa (postgraduate student and opera singer), Mama (Independent Beachbody Coach and multitasking whirlwind), Little Bear (19-month-old, budding crayon artist and aspiring "musician"), and Baby Tiger (8-month-old, professional drooler and enthusiastic giggler.) Follow along with us on our adventures!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Simple Goals
Flagging enthusiasm.
Let's admit it, we've all gone that "New Year's Resolution" route, promising ourselves up and down that THIS will be the year we really stick with our resolutions and finally reach those goals. And, year after year, the same thing happens: we go all out for the first few days, but then we get discouraged by the lack of (apparent) progress, the aching of our tired muscles gives us just one more excuse to not go for that run, push play on that workout program, or make that drive to the gym, and in a matter of days, weeks or perhaps a month or two, we're right back where we started.
Here's the trick, though:
DON'T focus on that great, big, weight-loss goal, those pre-pregnancy jeans, that scary deadline. (Not if you find yourself easily discouraged, that is - for some people, those are the best tools. ;)
Instead, put your attention on the smaller things, those little changes, subtle transitions, and tiny improvements you typically just blow over.
My last five weeks have been spent working out hard doing the Beta Phase of T25. But I was letting myself feel disappointed with what seemed to be little or no forward progress. After working out so hard five days a week, pushing myself through burpees, weight lifting, intensive cardio sessions, and the like, I was expecting to see some really major results.
I took my measurements today and, I'll be honest: I was disappointed. I had some predetermined idea in my head of where I "should" have been, and reality just didn't line up. My waist and arms measured the same as they had five weeks ago, my hips had only lost 1/2 inch...
And then I stopped myself. "Hold on a second," I thought. I just worked my way through the first day of the Gamma Phase (an optional, all-out, four week round with T25). There is NO way I could have managed this workout as well five or ten weeks ago! My waist may not be "smaller," but you can SEE muscle there, now! (No small feat for a mom of two-under-2 who were born just under 11 months between each other!) My arms aren't more slender but oh! my goodness, do I have impressive biceps, now. My shoulders are strong, now, and I feel incredible. Not only that, but I managed at 50 complex burpees (burpees coupled with spider lunges, jack push-ups, walking planks, pike-ups, etc.), something I could only have dreamed about at the beginning of this program.
So, when that New Year's Day rolls around in a few weeks, don't let yourself get discouraged so easily. Focus on those simple goals! If one week you can do 5 push-ups at one time, try and build up the strength to manage 7 at the end of the next week. Instead of focusing on a number on that scale, put your focus towards the fit of your favourite shirt, your little black dress, or some other motivator.
It'll make a world of difference, I promise.
Let's admit it, we've all gone that "New Year's Resolution" route, promising ourselves up and down that THIS will be the year we really stick with our resolutions and finally reach those goals. And, year after year, the same thing happens: we go all out for the first few days, but then we get discouraged by the lack of (apparent) progress, the aching of our tired muscles gives us just one more excuse to not go for that run, push play on that workout program, or make that drive to the gym, and in a matter of days, weeks or perhaps a month or two, we're right back where we started.
Here's the trick, though:
DON'T focus on that great, big, weight-loss goal, those pre-pregnancy jeans, that scary deadline. (Not if you find yourself easily discouraged, that is - for some people, those are the best tools. ;)
Instead, put your attention on the smaller things, those little changes, subtle transitions, and tiny improvements you typically just blow over.
My last five weeks have been spent working out hard doing the Beta Phase of T25. But I was letting myself feel disappointed with what seemed to be little or no forward progress. After working out so hard five days a week, pushing myself through burpees, weight lifting, intensive cardio sessions, and the like, I was expecting to see some really major results.
I took my measurements today and, I'll be honest: I was disappointed. I had some predetermined idea in my head of where I "should" have been, and reality just didn't line up. My waist and arms measured the same as they had five weeks ago, my hips had only lost 1/2 inch...
And then I stopped myself. "Hold on a second," I thought. I just worked my way through the first day of the Gamma Phase (an optional, all-out, four week round with T25). There is NO way I could have managed this workout as well five or ten weeks ago! My waist may not be "smaller," but you can SEE muscle there, now! (No small feat for a mom of two-under-2 who were born just under 11 months between each other!) My arms aren't more slender but oh! my goodness, do I have impressive biceps, now. My shoulders are strong, now, and I feel incredible. Not only that, but I managed at 50 complex burpees (burpees coupled with spider lunges, jack push-ups, walking planks, pike-ups, etc.), something I could only have dreamed about at the beginning of this program.
So, when that New Year's Day rolls around in a few weeks, don't let yourself get discouraged so easily. Focus on those simple goals! If one week you can do 5 push-ups at one time, try and build up the strength to manage 7 at the end of the next week. Instead of focusing on a number on that scale, put your focus towards the fit of your favourite shirt, your little black dress, or some other motivator.
It'll make a world of difference, I promise.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Powerhouse Production
The possibility of getting more done in a shorter time frame is certainly an appealing one. But is it even really doable?
As a wife of a full-time graduate student, a mother of two very little ones, as well as a Beachbody Coach and business owner, I've had to make a number of adjustments and changes in my own life in order to improve my productivity. There is a finite number of hours in my day (thank goodness), and I have a lot to try and accomplish in a relatively short time frame.
I've been doing a lot of research, put in a number of trial-and-error efforts, reviewed various articles and blogs and have pooled a few ways to help improve your productivity. Especially with the holidays around the corner, why don't you try taking a few of these for a test drive and see how you do?
1. Prioritize in terms of "Dread."
Seriously. Schedule the thing(s) you dislike the most as the first thing(s) you tackle in your day. Get them over and done with as soon as possible and you'll feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You'll get that awesome sense of accomplishment right at the very beginning of your day, too!
Seriously. Schedule the thing(s) you dislike the most as the first thing(s) you tackle in your day. Get them over and done with as soon as possible and you'll feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You'll get that awesome sense of accomplishment right at the very beginning of your day, too!
2. Techno Your To-Do List.
Stop trying to remember everything! Who doesn't have an iPad or smartphone these days? Top suggestion? Download an app like Wunderlist and keep your tasks in order!
3. Utilise "Automatic Systems."
Automatic bill pay, Shakeology auto-shipments, Amazon's "Subscribe and Save,"...take advantage of these options! It will take such a load of stress off of your mind if you sit down one morning/afternoon/evening/whatever to really map out your credit card payments, cash transfers between accounts, contact lens orders, renewable medication prescriptions, health and nutrition shipments, and any other little thing that fits into that area.
4. Rock-Solid Bedtime.
Sleep is one of the most important factors in being productive. Intellectually, physically, and emotionally we need that "beauty sleep" to ensure we are functioning at peak performance. And, consequently, your renewed energy and focus will translate into a higher level of productivity!
5. Don't Skip Breakfast!
If I could shout this one, I would. You've been fasting for hours! Your body is completely depleted in its energy resources. Give it a boost! I've never been a big "breakfast person," myself, so I am just so grateful for my daily Shakeology - it's simple, nutritious and gives me a big energy boost. Win!
6. Plan. Purchase. Prepare.
If you're managing a weekly budget list, take the time to create a meal plan for the week. Then, do as much prep ahead of time as you can. Cook your meals in large batches so you can pack the rest away and freeze it for a future date, reheat or incorporate it into other meals.
7. Exercise!
This one might seem obvious to some, but for others it may seem completely counterproductive. But, it's true! If you get regular, consistent exercise, your body will be more energised and you won't struggle with fatigue that will make you less inclined to get up, move and be productive! Personally, I always feel more focused and goal-oriented after my T25 workout for the day. And, if you're just not quite sure how to get into that sort of routine, ask me! :D
Monday, November 3, 2014
Happy HEALTHY Holidays?
This past week was spent at my sister-in-law's house with her husband and my sweet nieces in Augsburg, Germany while my husband was on break from his school. It was a fantastic week filled with a trip to the zoo, an adventure at the park with the little ones, walks in the historic downtown, and lots and lots of relaxing. And not much in the way of working out or extra healthy eating. But, hey, it was vacation for goodness' sake! But that week just raced by! And brought to mind the revelation that it's November. NOVEMBER. Already? They say that time passes by quickly when you have kids...but this is ridiculous!
So, who out there is bracing themselves for the crazy, chaotic, albeit fun festivities of the holiday season? Halloween has passed us by already, along with all of the grim ghouls, creepy goblins, and lovely fairy princesses and (judging from my Facebook newsfeed) Elsas...and mountains of Halloween sweets.
Thanksgiving will be here in just a few weeks, too (can you say "Pumpkin Pie?")...and then the steady stream of Christmas parties, ugly sweaters and all...right up into the New Year when we guilt-trip over the last few months, lament over the state of our health and wow to make a fresh start for 2015. Which most of us will maintain for a few weeks, or maybe even a couple of months...and then abandon it.
So, I'm going to share an idea with you.
Why don't you get a head start on all of that?
Take the 21 Day Fix, for example: if you sign up for the Challenge Pack, join my November 10th Accountability Group and commit to three short and simple weeks, you could be down 5, 10..15 pounds by Thanksgiving Day (and ditch that ugly Christmas sweater, too!)
Think about it. And then do it. What is there to lose?
So, who out there is bracing themselves for the crazy, chaotic, albeit fun festivities of the holiday season? Halloween has passed us by already, along with all of the grim ghouls, creepy goblins, and lovely fairy princesses and (judging from my Facebook newsfeed) Elsas...and mountains of Halloween sweets.
Thanksgiving will be here in just a few weeks, too (can you say "Pumpkin Pie?")...and then the steady stream of Christmas parties, ugly sweaters and all...right up into the New Year when we guilt-trip over the last few months, lament over the state of our health and wow to make a fresh start for 2015. Which most of us will maintain for a few weeks, or maybe even a couple of months...and then abandon it.
So, I'm going to share an idea with you.
Why don't you get a head start on all of that?
Take the 21 Day Fix, for example: if you sign up for the Challenge Pack, join my November 10th Accountability Group and commit to three short and simple weeks, you could be down 5, 10..15 pounds by Thanksgiving Day (and ditch that ugly Christmas sweater, too!)
Think about it. And then do it. What is there to lose?
Monday, October 27, 2014
Is It Worth It?
It's a fresh week. Life with these two littles is, well. crazy! And, I'll shamefacedly admit I've (obviously) let my blogging slide during these wild days.
BUT, I haven't let my business, workouts and journey slide! Some days and weeks are better than others, of course, but every single day is an opportunity for progress and improvement.
Someone asked me in a message the other day if all of the working out, the clean eating, making the effort to manage my own business as a Team Beachbody Coach even with Two-Under-2 was REALLY worth it. Wasn't I putting too much emphasis on myself? Didn't I think it was shockingly selfish and unbalanced? Shouldn't I just accept the way I "was now" and place every ounce of energy and attention into the lives of my babies and husband?
I admit I just sat and blinked at that message for a while. A long while. And swallowed down my initial reaction to send a message with as big and loud of a virtual shout as I could (think ALL capital letters.)
Let me share a little something with you:
If I hadn't made the decision to invest in my own health and well-being, if I hadn't pushed that "Purchase" button on my PiYo Challenge Pack (through the nail biting and anxiety about the "expense"), if I hadn't made the decision to sign up as a Team Beachbody Coach,...my life would undoubtedly be in a very different place today.
I would still be drowning in that frighteningly black sea of postpartum depression. I would still be staring at my prepregnancy clothes, lamenting my entrance into the world of "Frumpy Mama-ness" and struggling under the heavy burden of low...no, make that NO self-esteem. I would be fatigued by the mere thought of taking my children to the park to play a game of tag, pushing my little girl on the swing or carrying her up the steep hill to the top of the slide (her absolute favourite)...and, consequently, even more depressed. I would have been unable to help when my husband's student loans were extremely delayed and we found ourselves wondering how to get by until they came in...months later. I certainly wouldn't have the strength to support my dearest husband to the very best of my abilities, to be an example of strength, dignity and confidence for my small children, or to be employing my education and experiences to help others to live healthier, happier lives and achieve financial freedom.
Instead, I was able to keep good, healthy food on the table, provide diapers and clothing for my babies, and peace of mind for my husband and myself. I freed myself from the overwhelming clutches of postpartum depression and self-pity, have been building up my depleted self-esteem, have more time and energy to spend with my little Irish Twins, and can be all the more present for my husband in our Austrian adventure. And I am helping a number of other struggling and overwhelmed people find time and energy for themselves so they can better their health and lives for the sake of their families. It's all for them. Everything I do.
And it has been the biggest blessing for all of us.
Don't hesitate. Push send on that message, drop me an email,...I promise I don't bite. ;)
I would still be drowning in that frighteningly black sea of postpartum depression. I would still be staring at my prepregnancy clothes, lamenting my entrance into the world of "Frumpy Mama-ness" and struggling under the heavy burden of low...no, make that NO self-esteem. I would be fatigued by the mere thought of taking my children to the park to play a game of tag, pushing my little girl on the swing or carrying her up the steep hill to the top of the slide (her absolute favourite)...and, consequently, even more depressed. I would have been unable to help when my husband's student loans were extremely delayed and we found ourselves wondering how to get by until they came in...months later. I certainly wouldn't have the strength to support my dearest husband to the very best of my abilities, to be an example of strength, dignity and confidence for my small children, or to be employing my education and experiences to help others to live healthier, happier lives and achieve financial freedom.
Instead, I was able to keep good, healthy food on the table, provide diapers and clothing for my babies, and peace of mind for my husband and myself. I freed myself from the overwhelming clutches of postpartum depression and self-pity, have been building up my depleted self-esteem, have more time and energy to spend with my little Irish Twins, and can be all the more present for my husband in our Austrian adventure. And I am helping a number of other struggling and overwhelmed people find time and energy for themselves so they can better their health and lives for the sake of their families. It's all for them. Everything I do.
And it has been the biggest blessing for all of us.
Don't hesitate. Push send on that message, drop me an email,...I promise I don't bite. ;)
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Yesterday was our first day of the Focus T25 program. I'm not going to lie: it was intense. 25 minutes (plus a three minute cool down) without breaks is a committment, but the time honestly flew by! I couldn't believe it when I happened to glance at the countdown clock during the workout and noted that 18 minutes had already gone by. That's the perfect kind of workout, in my opinion. (Sidenote: thank goodness for those modified moves; they allowed me to slow the pace just enough when I needed it, but kept me right on track with the workout.)
Now to perfect our efforts at waking up early to workout. Yesterday was great! Today...not so much. But I know we're going to find those 25 minutes somewhere and get it done!! :D
Thursday, September 4, 2014
September's Promotion
Every month, Beachbody has a special Challenge Pack promotion (which is how we purchased PiYo.) It's one of the best ways to kickstart a workout program/lifestyle change I can think of! It's awesome!
This month the challenge pack is the "21 Day Fix" (click the link to check out the promo video). For someone who doesn't have a lot of free time and struggles with meal prep and planning, this is just brilliant. If you're wondering where to start your journey, this just might be the best place to start!
No calorie counting, no long workouts, just hard, fast results.
This month the challenge pack is the "21 Day Fix" (click the link to check out the promo video). For someone who doesn't have a lot of free time and struggles with meal prep and planning, this is just brilliant. If you're wondering where to start your journey, this just might be the best place to start!
No calorie counting, no long workouts, just hard, fast results.
Who knows, this might be the next program on my list (after we start T25 on Monday, yay!!!)
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